Spatial Assessment for Open Spaces in Residential Areas: Case of Sheikh Zayed City, Egypt

Riam Mohamed Elsagher Mahmod Elmorshedy (1)
(1) Ph. D., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt, Egypt


Open spaces have one of the most essential roles in social communications and people relaxation. However, the design of its locations and relations with the surroundings neglect this role, especially in Egypt. Here, we aimed to support the configured structure of spaces and its potential impact as a suitable place for social life, communication, relaxation, playing, . . . .so on, in an institution housing topology.

This paper is applied in a neighborhood of intermediate social housing level: dealing with which surround the open space; whether they are streets, buildings’ walls, another space, or buildings’ entrances. Concentrating on two main variables: the relationship between the open spaces and the movement networks, and the pattern of house buildings’ distribution, which have an effect on the segregation degree of space and its role in social settings.

This practical study uses a collection of programs software, mainly depending on Space Syntax methodology for understanding a network of spaces by using DepthmapX software, auto cad, and excel software as aid programs.

The results show the difference in the space location’s integration values, and from this the guide lines for a good open space location in residential areas were determined.

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Riam Mohamed Elsagher Mahmod Elmorshedy
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Elmorshedy, R. M. E. M. (2019). Spatial Assessment for Open Spaces in Residential Areas: Case of Sheikh Zayed City, Egypt. ARCHive-SR, 3(2), 131–145.

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