Quality of Life to Achieve New Egyptian Cities

Dina Darwish (1), Mohsen Bayad (2), Mohamed Mahdy (3)
(1) Assistant Lecturer, Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology in Menoufia, Egypt, Egypt,
(2) Architecture Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Egypt,
(3) Architecture Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt, Egypt


The change in the pace of urbanization that Egypt is currently witnessing due to the massive population growth and the trend towards migration to some urban polarization centers has responded in a large and unbalanced urban transformation. The absence of a clear long-term strategy for urban development has affected the accumulation of investments in major cities. Alongside the challenge facing the development of new urban communities, is the result of interaction between the social situation, economic and urban and the environment that affects the human being to form a society characterized by the quality of life, which is the goal of development. If all these challenges did not achieve the results of quality of life, development has become deficient and unable to achieve its objectives and therefore the investments directed to this development is a waste of resources in a country that needs to deal with Resources efficiently and effectively, so as to achieve the maximum possible return of national income. Therefore The need to design an appropriate strategy aimed at Integration of parts of the State's urban space, as well as alleviating the regional disparities in the levels of urban development between different regions of the country, and achieving the greatest justice in the distribution of services and facilities and economic opportunities between citizens and regions, and Attracting residents from densely populated areas and territories to new urban centers with growing development and investment potential.

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Dina Darwish
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
Mohsen Bayad
Mohamed Mahdy
Darwish, D., Bayad, M., & Mahdy, M. (2019). Quality of Life to Achieve New Egyptian Cities. ARCHive-SR, 3(3), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.21625/archive.v3i3.518

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