Biomimetics as an Approach to Sustainability of Architectural Designs

Ahmed Abdulmoniem El-Kattan (1)
(1) Architecture section, Faculty of Engineering, Azhar University, Egypt, Egypt


The universe around us stands as a proof of the greatness of God. Everything around us, small or huge, tiny or great, all confirms the fact that this universe has a creator who initiated it and keeps running and maintaining it. No one can ignore such a fact. All aspects of beauty and perfection have been created by Allah.
Despite the vast technological and scientific development that humanity witnesses these days, we still discover new indications of God's creativity and miraculous formations every day. This was a source of inspiration for architectural designers that made them come up with new inventions and creations that help regeneration and natural environmental sustainability. Many architects try to copy nature in their designs as they believe that the biomimetic approach is considered the design approach that best preserves the environment and sustains buildings. The absence of a clear definition of different approaches of biomimetic designs of various architectural works is one of the stumbling blocks that face many developers of architectural trends and architectural designers in particular. The research problem is summarized by highlighting various biomimetic approaches of architectural designs through reviewing all previous theories and researches and also studying biomimetic technologies that lead to different results as an introduction to sustainability.

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Ahmed Abdulmoniem El-Kattan
[email protected] (Primary Contact)
El-Kattan, A. A. (2018). Biomimetics as an Approach to Sustainability of Architectural Designs. ARCHive-SR, 2(3), 19–34.

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